This site is for the students of Taneichi. I want to be your friend!



Judo @ Taneichi

The Volleyball Team @ Shukunohe

Shukunohe's Super Softball Team!


Tell me about it...

Please teach me about your culture.
Tell me more about the pictures below!


Name that ATHLETE!

Do you like sports? If you do, you should be able to name all of these famous American athletes! Good luck!

A. Kirby Puckett
B. Terrell Owens
C. Tiger Woods

A. Jupiter and Saturn

B. Venus and Serena

C. Mercury and Mars

A. Charles Barkley

B. Shaquille O'Neal

C. Michael Jordan

A. Lisa Leslie

B. Jenny Finch

C. Annika Sorrenstam

A. Lisa Fernandez

B. Mia Hamm

C. Maria Sharapova

A. Lance Armstrong

B. Mark McGwire

C. Larry Bird

A. Randy Moss

B. Alex Rodriguez

C. Sammy Sosa


1. C

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. B


If you got 0-3 correct: You must NOT like sports.

If you got 4 or 5 correct: You LIKE sports.

If you got 6 or 7 correct: You LOVE sports.

Check out MY website!

Click here

to see my webpage and all of the places I have gone and people I have met. The English will be difficult--SORRY!--but the pictures are great! Hope you like the site! Thanks for reading! ~Anne.


2005 Speech Recitation Contest

Thank you to all students who participated in the speech contest. You all
did a super job! Thanks for your hard work! Practice makes perfect!

Students wait patiently and nervously until their name is called and they have to give their speech. No notecards, no props and a ton of pressure! But you finished and did your best! Thank you!

Rika was the first place winner among ichinensei students. Her "Singapore" speech was really cute!

Yusho won first place among all ninensei students. His speech about "Tom" was really lively and fun to listen to! Awesome job Yusho!

Here are the winners from Taneichi-chu. Great job students! I am so proud of you! You did a SUPER job! Thanks for working hard!

Hello Shukunohe speakers! Thanks for your hard work---your English is very good! Keep practicing!


Track and Field Competition

Congratulations to Taneichi Chugakko--taking 2nd place at the tournament in Kuji. All athletes did their best and we are proud of you! Keep up the great work!

Taneichi Track Team

This student set a new school record in the shot put!

Great job students! We are proud of you!


Who is my teacher?

My name is Anne Parry.
I am from America and live in Minnesota.
I teach junior high in Minnesota, too.

I love sports! I play tennis, softball and volleyball. I love running, biking and weightlifting. If you like sports, please ask me to play with you!

I love living in Taneichi! The people are very kind and helpful. I hope to make many friends and get to know all of you well in the coming year!

When you see me in your school or around town, please don't be shy! Come and talk to me! I will teach you English and YOU can teach ME Japanese! Let's work together!

Dozo yorishiku onegaishimas! Mata aima sho!


Shukunohe Junior High

A warm welcome from the Shukunohe
students and teachers.

Students rally for the upcoming

Track & Field Competition!

First day of class!